This was a day out for the group at the first sign of Spring, with a couple of Doncaster Movie Makers members and three girls from the Austerfield Study Centre. We took picnic food as usual and went some way up the New Junction beyond the Low Lane Bridge, then turned round to return. But the Low Lane Bridge wouldn't raise the barriers and retained the key, so we couldn't proceed. Peter called the emergency folk who sent a man to make repairs, all done in 20mins. In the best "traditions" of Spring, we had warm sunshine, strong winds, rain and hail storms.
A good day out with far too much to eat as usual. Our first time visitors were Shrivatsa Desai and Val Moat from the DMM and Jade Bancroft, Michelle Challon and Christine O'Leary from the Austerfield Study Centre.
We had a full boat this trip with Lesley and Dave, Elaine and Paul, Lynn and Phil, Peter, Vic and Sandra. Photos by Paul Booker and Peter Smith.